i just saw this and immediately thought of you..
So I Was Browsing Around On Twitter And I Saw This Quote:
“The most powerful control we can ever attain, is to be in control of ourselves.” ~ Chris Page
This could not be more relevant right now:
Especially with the current economy screwing with us.
I don't think I have to explain how this has affected the working population...
The most powerful thing that you can learn how to do is taking control.
Once you take control of yourself and your situations:
You can achieve anything.
I know one of my buddies actually was laid off the second that COVID-19 hit the news.
He was devastated.
Depression began to set in.
He was losing it.
But then something happened...
He reached out to me asking for help.
He took control.
It was at that point where he didn't want his circumstances to take over his mental health.
So we got to work.
We found that he was really good at writing resumes.
So he started posting about it on LinkedIn.
Then, after about a week, he started to get some traction - people started to ask him to write their resumes.
This is actually a powerful skill during this time of uncertainty.
Especially when you realize that there ARE still jobs around, you just have to be really good at persuading employers to hire you.
And that is exactly what he did.
Now he is on track to restore his income to its former glory.
Absolutely inspiring!
So how did he pivot into learning this skill so quickly?
Well funnily enough, the first conversation we had - guess what we talked about?
Yep, resumes are effectively Copywriting.
I've said before that being able to persuade people with words was a superpower..
But he took it to a whole new level.
'I literally wouldn't have any idea if it weren't for our first conversation on the phone... thanks man.'
On that I gave him a copy of my Lethal Copywriting Secrets book.
That book changed everything for him.
It can do the same to you.
Get yourself a copy HERE
Going on 6 weeks, he now has 500+ connections and is on his way to something he had always dreamt of.
This is the power of taking control.
That quote again:
“The most powerful control we can ever attain, is to be in control of ourselves.” ~ Chris Page
I love it.
Alright you beautiful people.
I won't take up too much more of your time.
I hope you are doing well during this crazy time.
Remember: You can always take control and turn the tables.
Leave a comment if you have a crazy awesome story like this too.
I'd be super interested to hear it.
I might even share it on this blog.
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